Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friends and Homecoming

So this weekend was actually quite nice. I got some work for the paper done, i got to hang out with friends and I went to the SHSU Homecoming game. It was a very enjoyable weekend. I was quite pleased with it.

Friday mainly began when I got out of school I was supposed to go out to lunch with Erin. Erin sleeps like no other though. So I called and texted and still nothing. She was not going to wake up. So I went home to start cleaning up my apartment. I pretty much picked up the entire place. Brian was supposed to be coming over so I didnt want the place to look like crap. Erin eventually woke up and we went to Farmhouse for lunch. When we got back Erin actually CLEANED my entire place. Man is she awesome.

Many hours later Brain fucking finally showed up. We were short on time so we left. We decided to eat at Tops and Bottoms which is always a pleasure. Except our waitress was TINY!! And next to Brian the Giant she was even more tiny. After dinner we went to go see Max Payne. I was very very disappointed. The games are amazing and they totally ruined it with stupid everything. Waste... it could have been such a good movie. Oh well.

The next day was Homecoming. Me, Erin, Brian, Marianne (Brians Girlfriend), Erins Friends were all going together. Homecoming was a lot of fun but damn was it HOT and BRIGHT outside. It really wore us out. We went early and did some tailgating and then went and sat out in the sun at the game. But overall the game was a lot of fun. We took pictures, ate, laughed, walked around. I even managed to pick up a work assignment while at the game. After the game we all went to dinner at Giovanni's Italian Restaurant which was a big pleasure. Man I have to say they make a HUGE pizza thats really good for really cheap. It was soo much food. We had to take half of the thing home. I had to kind of rush out of the place because I had to go photograph SHSU volleyball which was the assignment I had picked up earlier in the day. I kept it short at the game because I wanted to go back and hang out with my friends. Erin, Brian, and Marianne were all at my place waiting. When I got back Erin was playing Portal which she has become excited about :) and Brian and Marianne were just sitting together. We all hung out for a while, but eventually Marianne had to leave. She had to do some studying and didnt want to get home too late. Me, Erin, and Brian actually didnt do a whole lot for the rest of the night. We were all pretty tired. By Midnight we were all ready for sleep.

Sunday we all(+Cameron) woke up and decided to go eat at IHOP which was a nice treat for all of us. It was an enjoyable breakfast. When we got back home Brian had to leave and Cameron eventually went to work. Erin and I (mostly Erin) organized my room! Once again she is so freaking amazing. She did such a good job on my room. It looks clean and just much better organized. When she was done she took and nap in my bed and as a thank you I baked her a cake. For the rest of the day we went out for dinner and then watched HyperCube which was not as great as expected but oh well. Still enjoyable.

On another note... I found a good silicone lubricant for my Rubik's cube.... its so much smoother and faster now :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cold Weather

Lately things have been kind of slow for me. Not a whole lot has been going on other than school being tiring. It seems that for work I was able to rely on the sports guys to help me out and give me work. While I am not shooting a whole lot of games they are giving me little assignments that help keep my paychecks a flowing. Yesterday I had to shoot a football player that one of the guys was interviewing. Cody (the guy I was taking the picture for) wanted a normal shot of the guy just tossing the ball around to himself or something. So as I was getting this guy ready I told this guy to look off a bit as if he was in the interview already and talking to Cody and to look as if he was laughing. He thought I was the craziest person around. And I seem to have offended him by asking him to do anything other than a very angry tough face. Dude... Youre on the football team. We dont need reassurance that youre tough. Oh well. That is what I got.

School has been a bitch. Ok well let me rephrase that. Cost Accounting has been a bitch. My teacher failed EVERYONE on the first test. The class average is a 52 on the first exam. And normally when something like that happens the teacher will usually do something about it. But he just thinks its all of our faults and isnt going to help us. So we really have to bust our asses to make sure that we do good. Just kind of sucks.

Ive been working on the Rubik's cube again. I'm going to start speed cubing and learn to solve it even faster. My current record is 1min 25seconds. Hopefully I will be able to get down into the 40 second ranges. I know people get down t 20 but I really dont need that. I just want to be able to do it real fast. Nothing competition worthy. Ive even ordered a speed cube. Though the place I ordered it from was in Australia and PayPal is taking their sweet ass time converting the currency. It should actually go through today.

Oh well. One thing I find is kinda funny is that even though you buy the same brand of cube, where you get it can make a difference in quality. I know this from experience. A Rubik's cube from Wal-Mart ($10) has good stickers on it that last but its not very loose at all making it harder to spin and get fast times. The SAME cube from Walgreens ($10) just less packaging has worse stickers, but it WAAAY looser and smoother. I can deal with stickers. I dont like an unsmooth cube. God I feel like such a sexy genius loser when I talk about stuff like this.

The weather has been getting cold!! I freaking love it. I cant wait to start wearing my jackets! Especially this awesome new jacket I got from the school bookstore thats really nice. It was on clearance so I got it for a really good price too. I love the cold weather. So much nicer to deal with and its also nice to hold someone in.... but thats getting too gay lovey dovey right? Ok. Well just know that I love cold weather!

One thing that I am really looking forward to is having Brian coming over this weekend. This bastard has never come here to Huntsville to hang out and Ive only been here like 2 1/2 years or something like that. Oh well. Hes finally coming. His girlfriend Marianne might be coming as well. I think we are all going to go out to eat and then go see MAX PAYNE!! I am so freaking excited to see that movie! I loved the games very much so I hope they did an awesome job on the movie.

Anyways I have to go to hell school, so I must be going. Tootles


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beaded Curtain

You know... sometimes there are these little things... little moments... that you share with others. They just really make you smile and enjoy your life. Whether it be a really really horrible movie that you enjoy because you get to laugh at it and make fun of it, looking at things in someones room that describe who they are, or enjoying a night out embarrassing myself ice skating with someone you care about. A lot of these things stay in your mind and eventually resurface later make you think how lucky you are. To have friends... loved ones. One thing that really got to me and I know will often resurface itself is holding hands through a beaded curtain. I don't know why... It was small, quick, and probably unnoticed... but it was just nice. Goodnight.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Inside the one yard line.

Yesterday I had two photo assignments to photograph. One of them was the SHSU versus SFA Soccer Game. The girls soccer team has been on a 7 game winning streak and was hoping to continue. I actually know two of the girls that are on the team. They are in my MIS class and were hoping that I would come make out with them shoot their game. Of course I would only go there if my sports editor wanted me to go. Which he did because Friday afternoon he gave me a call to go photograph them. I was somewhat excited to go shoot them and then again I wasn’t. Going to shoot them meant that I would get some extra money for pictures that make it into the paper, but its not a great sport to photograph. Well at least not where they were playing. There are tons of mosquitoes and the lighting isn’t very great and there’s never really a whole lot of action that ever happens near where I happen to be.
This game actually turned out ok. I happened to get a lot of good shots and hopefully some good ones made it into the paper. And just like everyone expected the SHSU girls soccer team continued their winning streak lost to SFA 2-1. I actually didn’t get to see the entire game. I only was around for the first half because I had to go shoot something else.
The next thing that I got to photograph was the Huntsville Hornets versus the Waller Bulldogs.
It was a pretty big game for the Hornets. Brenham and Waller are big rivals of the Hornets. So I was pretty excited to photograph them. I made it there around the middle of the first quarter. One thing that I love about the game that I was at was because it wasn’t at a high school. The Hornets get to play on the College Campus at Bowers Stadium. So it was well lit which is very nice to have for a night game. The game was a pretty exciting one. Both teams were doing fairly well and were close the whole time. Also both teams had their mistakes like fumbles and interceptions but they always managed to come back.

There was a point in the game that I was worried the game would never end would be won by Waller. It was the fourth quarter with two minutes left and the score was 10-6 Hornets. Waller was INSIDE THE ONE YARD LINE.
They fucked up just couldn’t get past the Hornets. Well once they were out of downs the Hornets got the ball and just ran some bullshit plays to run out the clock and won. I was pretty surprised. Overall it was a good game and I managed to get some good pictures out of it. So I was pleased. Hopefully I will get more exciting football games like this instead of some of the lamer ones Ive been sent to where both teams seem to be shoving the ball up their ass instead of playing the game.


Why hello there!

Its actually been close to a year since I've written in this blog. Have I really been that lazy for that long? Either way I have been inspired to start writing in this blog because it seems everyone is writing in their blogs again or starting new blogs. So why shouldnt I write in mine too. I always enjoyed it and so did the 1.4 people who read it.... I think.
So I guess I should give a quick brief on whats been happening to me and my related objects this whole year. Well Ive gone through a few semesters of school. Im still in Accounting and I'm still not enjoying its workload. Though I'm sure I will enjoy its benefits in the future.
I have moved out of the dorms and into an apartment. Yes it is true. Raven Village no longer has a spot in its heart for a guy like me. Instead I have moved into a new apartment complex called "The Exchange". I am in the group of the first residents or ever step foot inside of them and call them "home". I actually really like the place. They are not bad at all. I have my own place and I can cook and do whatever the hell I want. I have three one roommate, but if you really want to get technical I actually only have three. My roommates consist of Cameron, Alex, and Daron. Cameron is the only one who is actually ever there. Alex and Daron use the place more a "storage" for thier shit. Well Alex does come in once a week to do laundry so I guess he uses it as a washateria as well. Overall the place is pretty sweet. Though I will admit I am not a fan of a lot of the people who tend to reside there. Our neighbors to the left of us (we have none to the right) tend to throw a lot of parties which I dont really mind, but I am not a fan of them slamming their doors (which create earthquakes in our room) and leaving trash out in the breezeway for everyone to enjoy. A week ago they left many a trash objects out there including a broken bottle. I decided to be a good citizen and go get my dustpan and brush and pick it all up. Thats where my good citizenry left because a moment later I laid all of their trash neatly in front of their door so they could not go in or leave their place without tripping over thier shit.
Joining the workforce. Yes I have done it. I now work at the Huntsville Item. I am was a photojournalist for the paper. But due to fags at the paper budget cuts now I am just a sports photographer. Its easy work. I dont have set hours. I work when I want, and I get paid to do what I love. And I dont have to request off... I just do it. Pretty much I just check in with my sports editor and he tells me what I need to photograph each day. Sometimes is Volleyball while others it is football. Sometimes I am shooting college ball while other times it high school ball. Either way its all a lot of fun. I wish the pay was more, but hey its really easy and it add cash to my pocket so I can really complain. Ill take what I can get. Plus its really helping with my portfolio if I ever did try and get some other form of work involving photography.
Thats all I have really changed lately. Ive met some amazing new people. Many of them who are my amazing new friends. Ive went through a hurricane. Ive had some periods of time that involved women. I bought a new bike. Ive been to a couple of places located within the US. Etc etc. Thats all I really have to say till the next post.
