Saturday, October 11, 2008

Inside the one yard line.

Yesterday I had two photo assignments to photograph. One of them was the SHSU versus SFA Soccer Game. The girls soccer team has been on a 7 game winning streak and was hoping to continue. I actually know two of the girls that are on the team. They are in my MIS class and were hoping that I would come make out with them shoot their game. Of course I would only go there if my sports editor wanted me to go. Which he did because Friday afternoon he gave me a call to go photograph them. I was somewhat excited to go shoot them and then again I wasn’t. Going to shoot them meant that I would get some extra money for pictures that make it into the paper, but its not a great sport to photograph. Well at least not where they were playing. There are tons of mosquitoes and the lighting isn’t very great and there’s never really a whole lot of action that ever happens near where I happen to be.
This game actually turned out ok. I happened to get a lot of good shots and hopefully some good ones made it into the paper. And just like everyone expected the SHSU girls soccer team continued their winning streak lost to SFA 2-1. I actually didn’t get to see the entire game. I only was around for the first half because I had to go shoot something else.
The next thing that I got to photograph was the Huntsville Hornets versus the Waller Bulldogs.
It was a pretty big game for the Hornets. Brenham and Waller are big rivals of the Hornets. So I was pretty excited to photograph them. I made it there around the middle of the first quarter. One thing that I love about the game that I was at was because it wasn’t at a high school. The Hornets get to play on the College Campus at Bowers Stadium. So it was well lit which is very nice to have for a night game. The game was a pretty exciting one. Both teams were doing fairly well and were close the whole time. Also both teams had their mistakes like fumbles and interceptions but they always managed to come back.

There was a point in the game that I was worried the game would never end would be won by Waller. It was the fourth quarter with two minutes left and the score was 10-6 Hornets. Waller was INSIDE THE ONE YARD LINE.
They fucked up just couldn’t get past the Hornets. Well once they were out of downs the Hornets got the ball and just ran some bullshit plays to run out the clock and won. I was pretty surprised. Overall it was a good game and I managed to get some good pictures out of it. So I was pleased. Hopefully I will get more exciting football games like this instead of some of the lamer ones Ive been sent to where both teams seem to be shoving the ball up their ass instead of playing the game.


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